Useful Resources

Access comprehensive tech salary data, notable tech companies in Singapore, and level mapping between firms with our resources guide.

Tech Salary


On, you can check salary data by location, level, years of experience:

Salary data by location, level, years of experience -

Salary data for San Francisco Bay Area -

Salary data for Singapore -

2. NodeFlair (Singapore)

NodeFlair published a Tech Talent Compensation for Singapore in 2022.

The report contains high level summary on salary data by role (some roles are based on years of experience) and other useful information.

Tech Talent Compensation for Singapore 2022 - NodeFlair

Tech Talent Compensation for Singapore 2023 - NodeFlair

NodeFlair also publishes salary data collected from individuals.

NodeFlair Salaries

NodeFlair Salaries

3. Singapore Tech Salaries -

Internship and fresh grad salaries in tech collected by

-> Singapore Tech Salaries -

4. ByteBite Salary Transparency SG

Salary data collected by ByteBite Telegram Tech Community.

-> ByteBite Salary Transparency SG

5. Graduate Employment Survey (GES)

The Joint Graduate Employment Survey (GES) is conducted by the six Autonomous Universities (NUS, NTU, SMU, SUTD, SIT and SUSS) every year to collect information on the employment status of graduates around six months after the completion of their final examinations.

-> 2022 Graduate Employment Survey (GES)

-> 2022 Graduate Employment Survey (GES) - NUS

-> 2022 Graduate Employment Survey (GES) - NTU

Tech Companies (SG)

1. SG Tech List

List of notable tech companies in Singapore. Useful when looking for a new job.

SG Tech List

2. Top Tech Companies in Singapore

List of Top Tech Companies in Singapore (besides FAANG), compiled by NodeFlair.

Top Tech Companies in Singapore

3. SaaS Startups in Singapore

List of cool SaaS startups in Singapore compiled by Alfred Lua.

SaaS Startups in Singapore

Level Mapping


On, you see view software engineer level mapping between different companies.

Level mapping between different companies -

The data on is primarily from US tech companies.

Software Engineer Levels -

2. Duibiao

Duibiao is a clone for Chinese tech companies.

Software Engineer Levels in Chinese tech companies - Duibiao

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